Skip to contentBuild An ECommerce Website Like Amazon
By Nextjs, PostgreSQL and Shadcn
You Will Learn:
- creating e-commerce website pages by next.js server components
- designing header, footer, sidebar, menu and search box by shadcn and tailwind
- quick view products in modals using nextjs parallel routes with intercepting routes
- create database models by drizzle orm and postgres database
- handling form inputs by react-hook-forms and zod data validator
- updating data by server actions without using any api
- managing shopping cart using http cookies on server side
- handling authentication and authorization by next-auth
- creating customer dashboard to update profile and track orders
- and implement a fully-functional admin dashboard with beautiful charts and handling products, orders and users
Build An ECommerce Website Like Amazon
By Nextjs, PostgreSQL and Shadcn
You will Learn:
- NextJS basics like setting up project, creating pages and data fetching
- NextJS advanced topics like app router, server component & actions, image optimization,
- Tailwind CSS and DaisyUI framework to build responsive website using custom theme, animation and carousel
- ReactJS including decomposing components, state management with Zustand and data fetching using swr
- Auth.js package to authenticate customers and admin users
- MongoDB and Mongoose to save and retrieve data like products, orders and users
- PayPal developer api to make online payment
- Deploy web applications on servers like Vercel and Netlify
Build An ECommerce Like Amazon
By MERN Stack (MongoDB, ExpressJS, React and Node.JS)
You Will Learn:
- HTML5 and CSS3: Semantic Elements, CSS Grid, Flexbox
- React: Components, Props, Events, Hooks, Router, Axios
- Context API: Store, Reducers, Actions
- Node & Express: Web API, Body Parser, File Upload, JWT
- MongoDB: Mongoose, Aggregation
- Development: ESLint, Babel, Git, Github,
- Deployment: Heroku, Render
Build An ECommerce Like Amazon
By TypeScript In MERN Stack
You Will Learn:
- Creating react application by Vite in TypeScript
- Defining and exporting Types like product, orders and user in frontend
- Creating e-commerce pages like cart, checkout and place order using React Router Dom
- Using React hooks to handle form inputs and fetch backend api
- Managing and monitoring application state by React Context
- Handling shopping cart using reducers and local storage
- Building backend web api by node.js, express.js and MongoDB
- Handling authentication and authorization using JsonWebToken and express middleware.
- Deploying your application on cloud servers like Render
- PayPal and Stipe for online payment,
- Render for deployment
- Google Map for locate customer address on map
- Mailgun to email order receipt to user
Build An ECommerce Like Amazon
By Vanilla JS
You Will Learn:
- HTML5 and CSS3: Semantic Elements, CSS Grid, Flexbox
- JavaScript: ES6+, Array Functions, Rendering System
- Node & Express: Web API, Body Parser, File Upload, JWT
- MongoDB: Mongoose, Aggregation
- Development: ESLint, Babel, Git, Github,
- Deployment: Heroku