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In the world of React development, the choice between rfce and rafce is akin to deciding between a ripe banana and a slightly overripe one. Let’s peel back the layers and explore the difference:

  1. rfce stands for “React Functional Component with Export”. When you use this snippet, it generates a functional component with the export default statement at the bottom. Here’s an example:

    const Header = () => {
      return (
        <div className='header'>
          <span className='title'>Word Hunt</span>
    export default Header;
  2. rafce, on the other hand, stands for “React Arrow Function Component with Export”. It creates a functional component using an arrow function. Here’s how it looks:

    const Header = () => (
      <div className='header'>
        <span className='title'>Word Hunt</span>
    export default Header;

The difference lies in the syntax of the export statement. While rfce places it explicitly at the end, rafce integrates it directly within the arrow function. Both serve the same purpose—creating functional components—but the choice often boils down to personal preference.

If you find yourself pondering this decision, remember that there’s no right or wrong answer. Whether you reach for the rfce banana or the rafce banana, the end result is a delicious React component! 🍌🚀

For those encountering issues with these shortcuts in Visual Studio Code, make sure you have the ES7 React snippets extension installed. Restart VSCode after adding the extension, and you should be good to go! 🎉 ¹³⁵

Source: Conversation with Bing, 2/7/2024
(1) ‘rafce’ React.js shortcut not working in VSCode – Stack Overflow. https://stackoverflow.com/questions/68653611/rafce-react-js-shortcut-not-working-in-vscode.
(2) difference between rfc and rfce in Reactjs – Stack Overflow. https://stackoverflow.com/questions/73060570/difference-between-rfc-and-rfce-in-reactjs.
(3) Useful React snippets for VS Code from the ES7 extension. https://medium.com/@tara.kelly16/useful-react-snippets-for-vs-code-from-the-es7-extension-5b22ffc60f0c.
(4) Race vs. Ethnicity: What’s the Difference? – Verywell Mind. https://www.verywellmind.com/difference-between-race-and-ethnicity-5074205.
(5) There is no difference between rafc and rafce · Issue #56 – GitHub. https://github.com/r5n-dev/vscode-react-javascript-snippets/issues/56.

Bassir Answered question February 9, 2024

The difference lies in the syntax of the export statement. While rfce places it explicitly at the end, rafce integrates it directly within the arrow function. Both serve the same purpose—creating functional components—but the choice often boils down to personal preference.

Bassir Answered question February 9, 2024